6 Signs of a Nutritional Deficiency Most People Don’t Know

6 Signs of a Nutritional Deficiency Most People Don’t Know

Does it take a long time for your cuts to heal? Are you losing more hair than usual? These are signs you may have a nutritional deficiency. 

Despite having an abundance of food, most Americans don’t eat a balanced diet, and nutritional deficiencies are common. 

At Legacy Pain and Regenerative Medicine, our chiropractic physician and family nurse practitioner, Dr. Trace Alexander, understands how hard it is to eat right all the time. 

But as a nutrition expert, he wants you to know what signs to look for that may indicate you’re not getting enough of the essential nutrients your body needs to function at its best.

1. Feeling more tired than usual

Stress and a busy schedule can wear you out. But if you’re always feeling tired, even after getting a good night of rest, you may want to take a look at your diet. Poor nutrition is a common cause of fatigue, according to the Cleveland Clinic

Fatigue is a symptom of iron deficiency. Many people, especially women and children, have a hard time meeting their daily iron needs. Lean red meat, chicken, fish, beans, and leafy greens are good sources of iron. 

2. Losing too much hair

You can expect to lose up to 100 hairs a day. Losing more hair than normal is also a sign of you’re not getting enough iron. Combine your iron-rich foods with foods rich in vitamin C to boost absorption, like meatballs and marinara sauce or red peppers in your bean salad. 

3. Wounds not healing fast

Your skin is your first line of defense against outside invaders, and wound healing needs to happen fast to prevent infections. If you notice it’s taking longer than normal for your cuts to heal, you may not be getting enough vitamin C in your diet. 

Your body needs vitamin C to make collagen, which is the protein your body uses to heal those cuts.

In addition to tomatoes and red peppers, good sources of this essential vitamin include citrus fruits, strawberries, and broccoli. 

4. Cracked lips

Cracked lips are a common problem, especially during the winter months when it’s less humid. But if you have cracks at the corners of your mouth where your lips meet — a condition called angular cheilitis ― it may be a sign you’re not getting enough iron or B vitamins in your diet. 

Grains, vegetables, lean meats, and milk are good sources of B vitamins.

5. Pain in your bones

Growing pains aren’t normal when you’re an adult. If you have pain in your bones, you may be deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin found in fortified dairy products, eggs, and fatty fish like salmon. You need vitamin D to make new bone cells. Your bone pain is an early sign that your bones are weakening.

6. Poor night vision

You can expect vision changes as you get older. But if you’re having a harder time seeing clearly at night, you may need more vitamin A in your diet. Carrots, sweet potatoes, and eggs are good sources of vitamin A.

If you have concerns about nutrient deficiencies or want to improve your diet to prevent deficiencies, we can help. In addition to nutrition counseling, we can talk to you about our pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements.

Call one of our offices in Plano or Addison, Texas, or book an appointment online today.

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